Summer Camp

Fall of 2020

Artist’s Statement

I am focusing on my summer camp, Camp Kahdalea, and the presence of God there and how God uses it as a playground for people’s souls and spirits. The drawings are of events or places where God has personally worked wonders in me and awakened me to him. Through the beautiful views and places drawn, my art invokes the feeling of being loved. They remind us that God made those views for each and every one of us.

I work with colored pencils and the occasional acrylic paint. I express myself through drawings and when I throw in paint, I often go in colored pencil on top of fit. While working with colored pencils, I lightly lay down layers of pigment adding more pressure as a I add more details. Often, I will use a mix of natural oils to blend and soften edges or give something a blurry, out of focus look.

Verso L’alto 12” by 9” colored pencil

Verso L’alto

12” by 9” colored pencil

Isaiah 53:38” by 10” colored pencil

Isaiah 53:3

8” by 10” colored pencil

Isaiah 43:214” by 10” watercolor and colored pencil

Isaiah 43:2

14” by 10” watercolor and colored pencil

Isaiah 57:156” by 4” linoleum print

Isaiah 57:15

6” by 4” linoleum print

the 9 day process of creating

Isaiah 40:31

4 feet by 3 feet acrylic paint


Mental Health


Road Trip